Assoc. Prof. Sirima Panyametheekul , Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Sirima Panyametheekul , Ph.D.



Ph.D., D.I.C.  Environmental Technology Imperial College, London, UK.M.Eng. Environmental Engineering Chulalongkorn University, Thailand           
B.Sc. Chemical Technology Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Risk in the Future

  • Natural resource management
  • Air pollution
  • Climate instability
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big data


Inequalities: Environmental, Social, and Knowledge


  • Better Air for Better Health
  • Sustainability of Air Quality

Research Interests

Employment History


Panyametheekul, S., Rattanapun, T., Morris, J., Ongwandee, M. Foliage houseplant responses to low formaldehyde levels. 2019, Building and Environment 147,67-76.
Panyametheekul, S., Rattanapun, T., Ongwandee, M. Ability of artificial and live houseplants to capture indoor particulate matter. 2018, Indoor and Built Environment 27(1),121-128.



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